Of Law Number 22 Year 2001 on Oil and Gas (Oil and Gas Law) Article 1 point 19 and 23, Article 3 letter b, Article 4 paragraph (3), Article 6 of Article 9, Article 10, Article 11 paragraph (2) , Article 13 and Article 44, again held at the Constitutional Court, Tuesday (05/01/2012). The trial of this case 36/PUU-X/2012 to repair request.
Syaiful Bakhri of the Assembly Law and Human Rights Team PP Muhammadiyah who acted as legal counsel to the Petitioners, deliver repair requests, among other changes in the composition of the applicant and the attorney. Eggi Sudjana who originally acted as the applicant moves as a power law. "Dr. Egi Sujana, originally as an applicant, but today he was pleased to ask permission to the Assembly as a power, "said Syaiful Bakhri.
Responding to repair requests, the Constitutional Court Panel, advised the applicant to refine the request repair, because there are some people Applicant and the attorney has not affix signature. Further advise the applicant to immediately prepare witnesses, experts, documentary evidence, to strengthen the argument of the petition.
Before concluding the hearing, the Panel chaired by Constitutional Justice Achmad Sodiki validates evidence. The applicant filed evidence of P-1 through P-72.
As we know, on Thursday (3/29/2012), the leader of Muhammadiyah with a number of mass organizations (CBOs) and national figures, applying judicial review oil and gas law to the Constitutional Court (MK). Referred to the mass organizations: Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia Siyasiyah Standing Committee, Chairman of the Central Union of the Islamic Ummah, Islam Indonesia Syarikat Central Leadership, Leadership Centre / Lajnah Tanfidziyah Syarikat Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood’s central leadership Indonesia, Ershad’s central leadership of Al-Al-Islamiyah, the Great Head of Youth Muslim Indonesia, Al Jami’yatul Washliyah, and Solidarity spokesman parking, street vendors, Entrepreneur, and Employees (SOJUPEK).
While the individual applicant, namely: K.H. Achmad Hasyim, H. Amidhan, Komaruddin Hidayat, Eggi Sudjana, Marwan Coal, Fahmi Idris, Moch. Iqbal Sullam, H. Ichwan Sam, H. Salahuddin Wahid, Nirmala Chandra Dewi M, HM. Ali Karim OEI, Adhi Massardi, Ali Mochtar Ngabalin, Hendri Yosodiningrat, Laode Ida, Sruni Handayani, Juniwati T.Masgehun S, Nuraiman, Sultana Saleh, Marlis, Silvia Fauziah Talib, King Faisal Sulaiman, Soerasa, BA, Mohammad Hatta, M. Sabil round, Edy Kuscahyanto, Yudha Ilham, Joko Wahono, Saputro Dwi Nugroho, AM Fatwa, Hj. Elly Zanibar Madjid, and Jamilah.
Responding to the request, the Court has held a panel session on Tuesday (17/04/2012) with a preliminary agenda. At the preliminary hearing, Syaiful Bakhri, legal counsel to the Petitioners state oil and gas law has been degrading and insulting the state sovereignty of the people as mandated by the Constitution. Because the oil and gas law, the state’s position is equivalent to foreign companies in oil and gas management contracts in Indonesia. (Rosihin Nur Ana / mh/Yazid.tr)
Tuesday, May 01, 2012 | 17:18 WIB 164